What a resonating and honest piece of writing, welll done you! I love the way you write. It has a beautiful flow to it and your piece on your beloved companion some time back, made me snif a tear for my own. I've experienced the last years that the more wrinkles show up, the less insecure I seem to become. I try to hold on to that: Part Two of Life is mine, wrinkles and grey hairs and all....of course it doesn't always work out but hey, saying it out loud is already something! Keep writing, I'll keep reading 🤎

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This is so kind Cécile 🩷 I’m so glad to hear that the next half of my life may be less about feeling insecure and more about being me, like you say! Also...big hug to you as a fellow dog lover 🤎 they are such loving gentle souls aren’t they!

Thanks for reading my writings, I’ll be reading yours too 😘

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They are the best of souls! All dogs but for me Labs in particular😊 Keep going, it’s a real pleasure to have you in my tiny writing community here.

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Love this Michele! I wrote the other day on a similar riff and I think it always helps to know you're not alone. Recognising it as an unhelpful voice, rather than a true one, is really helpful! And you know I think you're wonderful, right?! xx

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Oh Jane, this means so much to me! You are the queen of ‘how to deal with that inner critic’ and your masterclass taught me loads! Thanks for being such a kind and wonderful supporter 🩷 you rock!! X

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Feeling the love over here! Thanks lovely. I appreciate your support more than you know x

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I hear you! And we all suffer from this!

And, like @bethkempton say: the world needs your medicine.

Also, I wrote an essay about Your Inner Critic. I will dig it out! 😍

Also, this is only one part of you, it’s not all of you. Check out IFS (internal family system) therapy! It was so eye opening for me when I was being overwhelmed by my own inner critic and imposter syndrome. 😘

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Thanks so much Miranda, I’ll definitely check it out - so so glad to have found such kindness and support here 🙏🩷 hugs xx

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Me too!

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This definitely resonates with me! It helps me to think of my inner critic as a voice whose intention is to try and keep me safe from harm (in a kind of shitty way, though, lol) so when the voice comes up, I gently remind her that we only speak to ourselves the way we would speak to our best friend, with kindness and compassion. I remind her that the best way to protect ourselves from emotional harm is to love ourselves just as we are and to trust that the right people will be in our lives to support us. I'm new here on Substack, too, and I love the vibe so far! Please keep sharing and I'm going to hit that subscribe button now (we are already connected on IG 💜). I see you, I am proud of you, and your writing matters ❤️

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This is so kind! Thank you Deanna 🩷🙏 it feels like a big weight has lifted off my shoulders today. I needed to let the voice speak and now I feel relief to know that there is support here and such kindness! I will remember to remind my inner critic to be nicer 😉 good advice. I’m so grateful that we’ve connected! 😘

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Totally identify with this feeling ! I too am loving reading everyone else’s wonderful work but there is the little voice of insecurity that is creeping in. Thank you for writing this - it’s made me realise that other people feel the same. Let’s keep on writing and sharing our work and trying not to compare to others - be kind to yourself !

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Thank you so much for sharing this with me, it helps to know that we are not alone 🩷 and that we can hold on to our writing and each other to get us through!

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